What have the Romans ever done for us? (Italy)
Sun 4th February – Monday 12th February (8 nights)
Well for a start the Romans built a pretty damn impressive city and in particular one of the most impressive stadiums that we have ever seen! But more of that later.
We all know the Romans were actually quite an impressive bunch and came up with plenty of good ideas and Italy is still a damn good place for food, wine, historical buildings, art and much more but despite building the roads they DID NOT teach the Italians how to drive! They really are quite unbelievable and we have been lucky that Bula has not ‘squashed’ a number of eyeties in their Fiat Pandas! I am now actually beginning to enjoy the ride as we are some what bigger than most! On the subject of Bula, she continues to be absolutely fantastic, though we are now down to just one windscreen wiper…..but Clare doesn’t need to see where we are going any way!
Having recovered in
Having got the taste of being more self reliant we headed south and decided to stay about 30 miles north of Rome (G didn’t fancy taking on the Roman drivers on there own circuit!) but this time in a B& B. Run by a mad Italian woman who spoke absolutely no English we had a hoot. Taking the t
rain (50 mins) into
od in line for over 40 mins for the Sistine Chapel they
decided to close it; so thought we would try a bus tour but too wet to sit up top and to steamy to see anything from inside!! What to do? It was Saturday and a Six Nations Day so find an Irish bar an
d watch the
ng most of the important sites including the Crypt of the Capuchin Monks who have used the bones and skeletons of over 4000 monks to decorate the cells – all very morbid but quite fascinating. Day 2 we had glorious sun shine and spent most of it in the Colosseum and
surrounding Roman ruins – very, very impressive even if a bit barbaric– over 10,000 men & 5,000 animals killed in a 100 day celebration of the opening of the Colosseum……that’s a lot of killing but still a very impressive stadium!! However, Clare could not find Russell Crowe!!
So the Romans have provided us with a great and extremely diversified week which we have thoroughly enjoyed; weather has not been perfect but this has not managed to spoil one minute; we seem to have avoided staying in any more brothels, have eaten and drunk too much and are both agreed on coming back to Tuscany sometime in the future.
However, we are also ready to move on from